
Pitagora Data Management Consulting Group offers companies, regardless of size, services to help maximize the efficiency and value of the data that is critical to their success. At Pitagora, with over 20+ years of experience we offer a complimentary family of professional services aimed at helping you take advantage of the benefits of your corporate data and turn data into intelligence and revenue for your organization.


The family of Data Management services include:


  • Information Management Strategy
  • Data and Architecture Design
  • e-Business
  • Data Warehousing and Data Marts
  • Business Intelligence
  • Data Integration
  • Data Administration
  • Disaster Recovery


Information Management Strategy


What is the Information Management Strategy for your organization?

Do you have the proper people, process, and technology in place to ensure that your organization can effectively manage the information within your organization today and well into the future?

Pitagora has experience in providing services such as:

  • Strategic Visioning and Assessments
  • Aligning Data Management Strategy to Business Drivers
  • Information needs analysis
  • Current state assessments
  • Future state recommendations
  • Feeder system inventory analysis
  • Readiness assessment
  • Requirements Gathering
  • Project and Program Management
  • Risk Management
  • Knowledge Sharing on "Best Practices and Standards"


Data and Architecture Design


Data, such as employee information, financial information, sales data, and valuable intellectual capital is the lifeblood of any organization, but too often this asset is contained in a wide variety of formats - spreadsheets, presentations, reports and graphs - and housed in disparate locations.

All this data won't help companies compete, unless the people within the organization have access to it in a timely manner and in the format requested.

Pitagora can assist in providing services such as:

  • Data Modeling
  • Star Schema Dimensional designs
  • Relational models
  • OLAP
  • Data replication strategies

Enable your organization to make better strategic decisions faster.




A term used commonly is E-Business, which covers virtually all e-applications. In other words, it includes ERP, Manufacturing, CRM and many others.

If you are looking for expertise on development, monitoring, setup, installation, upgrades, configuration, customization, patching, high availability and performance tuning of your E-Business applications and databases then Pitagora Data Management Group will tailor the applications and database to meet an organization's unique business requirements.

We obtains the best-of-the-best in expert consultants where we bring not just application developers to the table but DBAs as well, all together in one team in order to provide the most complete and satisfying services to all our clients.

We "plug-and-play" into almost any organization team or even another consulting implementation team with our DBAs and Developers both onsite and remote. This also includes management and leadership of organizations DBA or project development staff.


Data Warehousing and Data Marts


At Pitagora, we work with our clients to implement end-to-end Data mart and Data warehousing solutions. We work with you on implementing solutions that drive efficiency and value, leverage proven technology, enhance quality, and improve your access to information.

We can assist you in Needs assessments, Process improvements, technology and tool selections, Data Mart design, End-to-end reporting solutions, and full life-cycle Data Mart and Data Warehousing projects


Business Intelligence


How are you making your Business decisions today? Do you trust the information you receive today in making competitive business decisions?

At Pitagora, our approach is to work with you to select and implement the correct analytical solution to put accurate information into managers hands for competitive decision making.

We stress rapid incremental return by taking a phased approach that proposes short-term integrated solutions. With a phased approach, the investment is limited, but focusing on strategic business areas, high returns are expected.


Data Integration


Many surveys today cite that "Data Integration" is the most pressing IT issue facing CIOs today. Billions of dollars are spent every year by many organizations to develop and maintain Silo applications that automate the core functions of business like Account Receivables, Account Payables, General Ledgers, and Manufacturing etc. Managers demand an integration strategy to seamlessly link these applications and simplify reporting and analytics.

Pitagora offers custom strategies and development to help leading organizations with their data integration needs.


Data Administration


Expertise to ensure that the physical data structure supports the business need for which it was designed. Pitagora works to make sure the data structures are fine-tuned, sufficiently backed up and recoverable, and processes are in place for smooth data administration.

Providing services such as:

  • Knowledge Sharing on Database "Best Practices and Standards"
  • Physical Database Architecture Setup and configuration
  • Storage Allocation and Database Sizing
  • Database Structure and Infrastructure modifications
  • User and Security Management
  • Database Version Upgrade strategies
  • Performance Management
  • Backup and Recovery strategies (Data Continuance)
  • Data Replication and Data Loading Strategies
  • Service Level Support Arrangements
  • High-Availability Back-end Database Development


Disaster Recovery


So what exactly is Disaster Recovery? Disaster Recovery is not simply backup and recovery of your data, it's more than that.

Think of it in this scenario: You have purchased a new SAN. The engineer comes in to set it up and accidentally "formats" the production SAN instead of the new one. You lost all of your current production databases, and most of the operating systems on those servers. Do you know how to get it all back? That's one of the questions that needs to be answered.

Pitagora Data Management Consulting has been involved in just that type of scenario, let us help you determine if you have any missing parts of your current DR plan.